Here are a few presentations, or parts of presentations, that I have done.
My presentations are shared with a
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Presented for the Reform Symposium Conference 2013
Shifting Learning – What Did You Learn At School Today?
We hear a lot these days about project based learning, inquiry based learning, etc… What does that mean? What does it look like when schools shift away from “drill and kill” learning towards big ideas, questions, and “no right answer” kind of learning? And what kind of questions can ‘we’ ask to support students in their learning?
The slide show is also available on slideshare:
Shifting learning – #RSCON4 Presentation.
My blog post on the presentation.
Presented to my peers at a Principal’s & Vice Principal’s Dinner.
My blog post on the presentation.
Developed from a blog post and my work with the Inquiry Hub,
and created for Classroom2.0 Live!
Blog post: 7 Ways to Transform Your Classroom (Background and links)
Webinar and Audio recording: Classroom 2.0 Live! Presentation (1 hour long, 09-29-2012)
Another presentation on the Inquiry Hub ~ Rethink Learning
I’ve always been a fan of the K12Online Conference and so I was honoured to have my presentation accepted this year: Transforming Education. Education is NOT broken! Education is…
I presented on Parenting in the Digital Age, designed specifically for parents, (in Dalian, China: Spring 2010).
The version on Slideshare has ‘speaker notes’ for presenters. The accompanying ‘Raising Digital Kids’ wiki has resources & questions to help parents ‘engage with their kids’ online. (Also available in Chinese)
The POD’s Are Coming! Here is my BLC09 presentation on the topic of using PODs – Personally Owned Devices, cell phones, iPods & other ‘devices’ that students bring with them to the classroom. Designed as a ‘stand-alone’ presentation with embeded videos helping to tell the ‘story’.
In January 2007, I presented a 1/2 day session to student teachers, sharing with them how I was integrating technology into my classroom.
I created ‘A Brave New World-Wide-Web’ slide presentation that you can see here on Slideshare.
For Alan November’s BLC08 I adapted it and created the video below.
The key message: ‘Do Not Go Quietly into Your Classroom’. See: ‘Who are the people in your neighbourhood?’
This is a VoiceThread created for a 3-Day pro-d session in Louisiana with the
November Learning Team. I wrote about the experience here, and we created a wiki on Wikispaces to share some of the things we learned along the way.
The Rant, I Can’t, the Elephant and the Ant
I created this for BLC08 and this version was done for student teachers at Simon Fraser University. As a video, it has a slow start with student teachers discussing a statement, and sharing ideas until about the 13 minute mark. One day (soon?) I will put the slide show online, I just have to remove all the transitions first.
The Rant, I Can’t, the Elephant, and the Ant
Ustreams of two other presentations done at the Building Learning Communities Conference, BLC08, can be found via my blog posts: This, my blog has taught me and Learning Conversations.
Here is the final section of ‘This, my blog has taught me’ on Slideshare.
This My Blog has Taught Me – Part 2
This is a ‘stripped down’ version of a presentation I’ve done a number of times. Visually it is horrible as I did not appropriately site the accompanying images and so when I was asked to put it online I had to delete the uncredited images. However, the content is useful to share and one day I’ll actually update it into the full presentation that it should be.
Other presentations include:
• The Flipped Classroom Webinar hosted by Scott McLeod, (background post on Pair-a-Dimes):
McLeod, S., Bergmann, J., Fisch, K., Kruse, J., Martin, J., Martinez, S., Moran, P., Noschese, F., & Truss, D. (2011, June). The flipped classroom [Webinar]. Retrieved from Iowa State University on June 16 at https://connect.extension.
• A “Start Your Own Blog” wiki with a description of some useful tools that I use.
• A half-day session with student (pre-service) teachers learning about wikis.
• Seedlings interview on EdTechTalk: (Pair-a-Dimes post)
…and countless other presentations to school & district staff…
Also see my 2008 Digital Magic staff newsletter.